Many people suffer from chronic heel pain. Whether it’s from standing all day at work or from activities like running or dancing, the end result is “OUCH!”.
Plantar fasciitis is a repetitive stress injury affecting the band of connective tissues linking the heel bone to the toes. When long-term, repetitive stress occurs to the foot, heel and particularly the arch; the fascia of the arch (the plantar fascia) suffers micro-tears. Over time these tears stress the attachment of the plantar fascia along the heel, causing inflammation, swelling, weakness and pain. This is often worse upon awakening in the morning and better with activity. |
Acupuncture is particularly well suited for relieving all kinds of pain including plantar fasciitis. Acupuncture needles encourage the body’s natural ability to ease pain and heal itself by moving the stuck "qi" and blood in the area. Stuck qi and blood is basically also known as inflammation.
Plantar fasciitis patients often experience relief after the first session, and many report significant if not permanent pain reduction after six to eight treatments.
Plantar fasciitis patients often experience relief after the first session, and many report significant if not permanent pain reduction after six to eight treatments.
Amanda Hanson, L.Ac.Amanda Hanson is a licensed acupuncturist and is available at Community Acupuncture of Marin on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Aside from treating plantar fasciitis and heel or foot pain, she confidently and effectively treats a wide array of conditions including all the things we mention in our What We Treat page. You can schedule with Amanda here or by calling 415-250-4009. |