Can acupuncture treat this?
Acupuncture is a safe, effective and natural way to treat many conditions without side effects. Because acupuncture disrupts disease patterns, prompts your own body's ability to heal, and improves organ and body function overall, it can treat a wide variety of common (and not so common!!!) complaints. Don't see your issue here? Email us.
DigestionImprove all digestive functions, stop diarrhea, move constipation, allieve gas and bloating, eliminate acid reflux, improve IBS, Crohn's Disease, etc.
SleepGet help with insomnia, for deeper, more restful and a longer night of sleep.
Seasonal AllergiesAcupuncture can make your seasonal hay fever season way easier with relief from sinusitis, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.
Chemotherapy Side EffectsAcupuncture is proven to help with chemotherapy side effects like nausea and other symptoms significantly.
NADA Protocol for Addiction / CravingsAcupuncture helps with addiction cravings, detox, and gives vital support when quitting cigarettes, alcohol, or pharmaceutical drugs.