People are curious about acupuncture but there is also a phobia of needles. Help your friends overcome their primary fear that keeps them from experiencing the benefits of acupuncture – it’s called the 2-for-10 Technique, and it helps dissolve needle fear.
The 2-for-10 Technique is awesome – here’s the breakdown, they:
I will use 2 of the most well-known acupuncture points that have the capacity to transform stress and anxiety, within minutes! It’s 2 points for $10 and can help someone get over their fear of acupuncture. Plus, they can meet me and ask questions about what else they might want treated, and they’ll learn why you love getting acupuncture!
Please forward to your friends and ask them to mention they’re coming in for the “2-for-10″ when they show up for their appointment – this offer is good through March 2013, you can always check our current promotions here.
The 2-for-10 Technique is awesome – here’s the breakdown, they:
- Book a “Return Visit” online
- Get a stress-reduction acupuncture session (without an initial intake)
- Pay $10 dollars for this session
I will use 2 of the most well-known acupuncture points that have the capacity to transform stress and anxiety, within minutes! It’s 2 points for $10 and can help someone get over their fear of acupuncture. Plus, they can meet me and ask questions about what else they might want treated, and they’ll learn why you love getting acupuncture!
Please forward to your friends and ask them to mention they’re coming in for the “2-for-10″ when they show up for their appointment – this offer is good through March 2013, you can always check our current promotions here.